She started her life being assembled in New Zealand before being sold at Paine Bros in Otahuhu. Initially she spent her life in the North Island until her previous owner from Nelson who drove her as a daily driver to work, and also owned a restored EJ sedan and EH wagon, which was in the process of restoration, when the costs started escalating and the owner was forced to sell his daily driver EH. She lasted a very short period on Trade Me and it was almost a race between us and someone from Dunedin to buy her but the owner was fair and let first contact view first. We drove to Nelson in early October 2014 and purchased her, our first Holden.
Becky attended a few club events in late 2014 and early 2015, such as the Swap Meet, Club Xmas, Jacksons Pie and Pint Run and the Rangiora Car Show. She lead the way to Jacksons Pub on the way to the West Coast which was a good effort for a 50 year old car, though it had to have a drink of oil and fuel at Jacksons pub to get her home.
In February this year Leanne and I setout to start restoring her with the intention of getting it back on the road for Kaikoura Hop 2015 in late September. We stripped it out to a rolling body and sent it out around the Canterbury region to get rust repairs, repaint, engine rebuild, upholstery and rechroming.
Initially we set out to have 10 weeks to reassemble the car at the end. A few hold ups lead to only 4 weeks for reassembly which seemed unachievable. With a bit of help from friends and lots of long hours after work we had Becky running and ready to drive after 3 weeks leaving us 1 week to make sure things were good to go for Kaikoura. Each time we took it out something didn’t quite go to plan ending up stranded with a stuffed generator, leaking windscreen and leaking brake wheel cylinder on occasion.
Becky has now been on the road 2 and a half months and has run over 1500km since being rebuilt. She has attended a large number of events in the short period since….. Kaikoura Hop, Upper Classics Classic Car show, Swap Meet, Bathurst at Rays, Paul Kelly Classic Speed Festival, 2 Petrol Head monthly breakfasts, HECC Show and Shine, All OZ day cruise and show, Fat Tonys Cruise, Rockabilly Car Show, Poker Run and a cruise to Hanmer with another club member.
Some big trips are planned in the near future such as Cromwell Car show and Whangamata Beach Hop. Becky was rebuilt to be used and enjoyed which we have started strong so far in doing that. I was asked by a member of public recently “What if it rains”, I replied “I still drive it as cars are built to be driven not be shut away in a shed”.
Get out and enjoy the Classics no matter the weather.
Josh Bentham
November 2015